The role of European agriculture in world trade by 2050

How can European agriculture contribute to global food security in 2050?
Is there any room for manoeuvre to prevent cropland expansion on natural environments?
Are these different objectives compatible?


How can European agriculture contribute to global food security in 2050? Is there any room for manoeuvre to prevent cropland expansion on natural environments? Are these different objectives compatible? This study provides estimates of future cropland and pastureland needs drawn up with an unprecedented level of detail. It divides the world into 21 regions, with eight different regions in Europe to account for the disparate nature of agriculture on this continent which is usually considered as a single region in global foresight literature. A series of simulations was produced using the GlobAgri-AE2050 model. These simulations assess the production capacity, cropland and grassland requirements, and imports and exports in 2050 for each of the 21 world regions analysed. They rely on two contrasting assumptions for diets in order to estimate the impact of food transitions on future land needs. In addition, they take into account the impact of climate change on agricultural production and the availability of arable land. Technical progress – including input use, genetic improvement, technological innovations, etc. – and its effects on yield trends is also considered.

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The role of European agriculture in world trade by 2050

Scenario building/Contributors

Two working groups have supported the study. The first one comprised scientific experts from different disciplines (climate science, agronomy, livestock systems, genetics, soil science). It helped in making a literature review on technical change and its effects on crop yields and livestock productivity change, climate change and its current and potential impacts on crop yield and livestock productivity evolution, food transition and its effects on diets, cropland availability and the potential impacts of climate warming, with a focus on Europe. The second one comprised both scientific experts and stakeholders. It helped to build the projection assumptions and the scenarios as well as to analyse results (see Contributors).
The purpose of the scenarios developed in this study was not to “predict” the future, nor even to reflect the likeliest trends. Their goal is to identify the wiggle room available to European and global agricultural systems if they are to ensure food security while limiting pressure on natural and forest lands, in a hypothetical world in which the current economic, social and political mechanisms would still prevail in 2050.
The simulation of the scenarios by Glogabri-AE2050 requires projecting the key variables for the global agricultural and food systems, including the demand for agricultural products (mostly driven by demographics and changes in diets), plant yields and cultivable land availabilities. The projections were mostly based on trends of the past two decades, adjusted for uncertainties that may affect these variables in the future.
The four reference scenarios combine two diet assumptions (“trend-based”/TD and “healthy”/HD) with two plant yields assumptions (“moderate growth”/LY and ”high growth”/HY). A land constraint was added to prevent the conversion of currently wooded areas in cropland, resulting in the simulation of 4 additional scenarios (TD-LY1, TD-HY1, HD-LY1- HD-HY1). Finally, a test was carried out by further accentuating the land constraint so as to prevent any extension of cultivated land beyond its 2010 level. Under this very restrictive assumption, the model can only reach equilibrium in the scenario combining “trend -based diets” and “high yield growth“ assumption (TD-HY2). Thus, nine scenarios were simulated.

Scenario simulation

For simulating scenarios, the GlobAgri platform was used to develop a dedicated database and a specific version of the biomass balance model (named GlobAgri-AE2050). The database and model include 33 agri-food products and 5 forage products, and divided the world into 21 broad regions, including 8 European sub-regions (see definitions). The reference year (named “2010”) is the 2009-2011 average and the simulation horizon is 2050.


[1] Land constraint excluding forested or urbanized areas; [2] Land constraint = 2010 cropland level.

NB : The sum over regions is not possible as intra-regional trade would be included.

Selecting above tabs, you can explore assumptions and results produced by the GlobAgri-AE2050 model for the 21 regions and the 9 simulated scenarios.

Population in million persons and agricultural land area in million hectares. Source: from FAOSTAT 2017.

The above map presents the composition, population and agricultural areas of the eight European regions covered by this study. The other 13 regions in this study are Canada-USA, Brazil-Argentina, Rest of America, North Africa, West Africa, East-Central-South Africa, Near and Middle East, former USSR, China, India, Rest of Asia, Oceania, and the rest of the world.

A series of simulations was produced using the GlobAgri-AE2050 model. These simulations assess the production capacity, cropland and grassland requirements, and imports and exports in 2050 for each of the 21 world regions analysed. They take into account the impact of climate change on agricultural production and the availability of arable land. Developments in agricultural techniques – including input use, genetic improvement, technological innovations, etc. – and their effects on yield trends are also considered. You can explore here assumptions used in the model.

All Products
Animal Products
Vegetal Products
Oil Products

Graph title (please don't delete)​

Scenario | Y2010 | TDLY | TDHY | HDLY | HDHY | TDLY1 | TDHY1 | HDLY1 | HDHY1 | TDLY2 | TDHY2

Legend items

Aquatic animalFreshwater, demersal, pelagic and other marine fish; crustaceans, cephalopods and other molluscs; meat aquatic mammals and other aquatic animals
Aquatic feed(Definition ?)
BovineBovine meat
Small ruminantSheep and goats meat
PorkPork meat
PoultryPoultry meat
Poultry (other)(Definition ?)
DairyDairy products 
GrassPermanent meadows and pastures 
Grass-like forageTemporary meadows and pastures (mixed grass and ray-grass)
Other foragesCultivated forages (alfalfa, beets, legumes, maize, etc.).
FibersJute, jute-like fibres, soft-fibres other, sisal, abaca, hard fibres other, tobacco, rubber and seed cotton
Roots and TuberPotatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams and other roots
Fruits & vegetablesTomatoes, onions, vegetables other, oranges, mandarines, lemons, limes, grapefruit, citrus other, bananas, plantains, apples, pineapples, dates, grapes and other fruits
RiceRice, paddy equivalent
Other cerealsBarley, rye, oats, millet, sorghum and other cereals
PulsesBeans, peas and other pulses
Soyabean CakeSoyabean cake
Soyabean OilSoyabean oil
Sunflowerseed CakeSunflowerseed cake
Sunflowerseed OilSunflowerseed oil
Rape and MustardseedRape and mustardseed
Rape and Mustard CakeRape and mustard cake
Rape and Mustard OilRape and mustard oil
Other OilcropsGroundnuts (shelled eq), coconuts – incl copra, sesameseed, olives and other oilcrops
Cake Other OilcropsOther oilcrops cake 
Oil Other OilcropsOther oilcrops oil
Oilpalm fruitOilpalm fruit
Palmkernel CakePalm kernel cake
Palm Products OilPalm oil and palmkernel oil
SugarSugar cane, sugar beet (sugar in equivalent sugar cane and beet)
Other plant productsNuts, coffee, cocoa beans, tea, pepper, pimento, cloves, spices, other
Crop residues(Definition ?)
Other productsMeat other, offals edible, fats animals raw, honey, meat meal, aquatic plants
Occasional(Definition ?)



Definitions and assumptions


Different assumptions were made to project the key variables for the global agricultural and food systems. Here we provide an overview of the choices underlying the projections of diets, crop yields and cultivable land availabilities. More details are given in the technical report of the study, where the assumptions relating to the other variables are described (feed efficiencies, biofuel feedstocks, cropping intensity).


Two alternative assumptions for diets

The demand for agricultural commodities for human consumption is driven by diets and population dynamics. UN population projections are used to estimate the population of the 21 regions in 2050. For the diets, the simulations were produced using two contrasting hypotheses. The first envisages so-called “trend-based” diets. It extends past trends, with a continuation of current diets in developed countries and a continued nutritional transition in developing countries. According to this hypothesis, daily caloric needs would not be met worldwide, with sub-Saharan Africa in particular remaining well below the nutritional recommendations in 2050. The second assumption, reflecting a “healthy” diet, projects a shift in consumption towards diets that more closely align with WHO’s nutritional recommendations. In this case, the diets adopted in the different regions of the world tend to converge while retaining regional specificities.


Two sets of projections for yields

In this study, the focus was on characterising the uncertainties related to crop yields in 2050, under the combined impacts of technical evolutions (plant breeding, technological advances, agricultural practices, etc.) and climate change.

It is difficult to predict the dynamics of technical evolutions by 2050 (plant breeding, technological advances, agricultural practices, etc.) and the extent of their effects on yield growth. Assuming moderate technical developments, yields could increase by at least 20% to 40% depending on the region, with increases of up to 80% to 90% in sub-Saharan Africa if more sustained technical developments are achieved.

Moreover, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration associated with climate change is favourable to photosynthesis, and therefore to plant yields, provided that plants’ water and nitrogen needs are met. This so-called “CO2 effect” could offset the deleterious effects of the rise in average temperatures and the decrease in rainfall affecting certain regions. It would thus lead to increases in average yields of between 1% and 8% depending on the region. Conversely, if the CO2 effect does not occur in the field, climate change could depress yields.

To reflect these uncertainties regarding the dynamics of technical developments and the CO2 effect, the simulations use two sets of projections named “high ” and “moderate” yield growth which define a range of possible variations of yields by 2050.


Different options to define the land constraint

The land constraint corresponds to the maximum cultivable area in each region. The definition chosen for cultivable areas is important in the GlobAgri-AE2050 model because they are the limiting factor for potential expansion of cultivated areas. The cultivable land availabilities were projected based on the Global Agroecological Zones procedure implemented by IIASA and the FAO, factoring in the impacts of climate change on the soils’ agro-climatic potential. The definition used in the reference scenarios assumes that an area is cultivable if its agro-climatic potential can accommodate a crop (annual or perennial) no matter how it is currently utilised. In these assumptions, global cultivable acreage would remain relatively stable by 2050 compared with “2010”, hovering at around 5 billion ha, as losses in the two Latin American regions, the three African regions, and Oceania would be offset by gains, mostly in the former USSR, USA-Canada and, to a much lesser extent, China and the “rest of Europe” region.

As an alternative to this fairly flexible definition, a more restrictive acceptation of the maximum cultivable area considers that the areas wooded in 2010 cannot be used for crops in 2050. This second assumption also excludes areas likely to be urbanized by 2050.

Finally, an even more restrictive definition of land constraint is to prohibit the expansion of cultivated areas beyond their “2010” levels.

9 scenarios

9 scenarios have been produced in addition to the 2010 reference year.


2010 (base year situation)


Trend-based Diets X Moderate Yield growth


Trend-based Diets X High Yield growth


Healthy Diets X Moderate Yield growth


Healthy Diets X High Yield growth


Trend-based Diets X Moderate Yield growth – Cultivable area excluding Forest & Urbanized


Trend-based Diets X High Yield growth – Cultivable area excluding Forest & Urbanized


Healthy Diets X Moderate Yield growth – Cultivable area excluding Forest & Urbanized


Healthy Diets X High Yield growth – Cultivable area excluding Forest & Urbanized


Trend-based Diets X High Yield growth – Cultivable area = « 2010 »

The regions breakdown

The adopted geographic breakdown attempts to balance parsimony by distinguishing a limited number of regions corresponding to one or more countries, with relevance respecting to the objectives assigned to the study. This leads to the distinction of eight representative European regions that reflect the diversity of agricultural production conditions. By adopting such a geographic breakdown, this work differs from many other studies, which consider Europe as a single block. Europe is taken in the sense of the European Union extended to Switzerland, Norway, Serbia, and the Western Balkan countries. France, Germany, Poland, and the United Kingdom are distinguished due to their size and agricultural and geopolitical specificities. In order to avoid multiplying the number of regions, Spain and Italy, two other major agricultural nations, are included in Southern Europe, a region that also includes Portugal and the Balkan countries except for Bulgaria and Serbia. Romania constitutes the basis of the Eastern Europe region, which also includes Bulgaria, Hungary, and Serbia. Central Europe includes Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, to which Switzerland has been added. Finally, the rest of Europe is mainly composed of the countries of Northern Europe supplemented by Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.


RoAmRest of America
UKUnited Kingdom
S-EUSud Europe
E-EUEst Europe
C-EUCentral Europe
RoEURest of Europe
FSUFormer Soviet Union
N-MENear and Middle East
N-AFNorth Africa
W-AFWest Africa
RoAsRest of Asia
RoWRest of the World
33 agri-food products and 5 forage products

The model establishes a balance (in tonnes) for 31 agri-food products and 5 forage products. Considered products are reported below. 

Aquatic animalFreshwater, demersal, pelagic and other marine fish; crustaceans, cephalopods and other molluscs; meat aquatic mammals and other aquatic animals
BovineBovine meat
Small ruminantSheep and goats meat
PorkPork meat
PoultryPoultry meat
DairyDairy products
GrassPermanent meadows and pastures
Grass-like forageTemporary meadows and pastures (mixed grass and ray-grass)
Other foragesCultivated forages (alfalfa, beets, legumes, maize, etc.).
FibersJute, jute-like fibres, soft-fibres other, sisal, abaca, hard fibres other, tobacco, rubber and seed cotton
Roots and TuberPotatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams and other roots
Fruits & vegetablesTomatoes, onions, vegetables other, oranges, mandarines, lemons, limes, grapefruit, citrus other, bananas, plantains, apples, pineapples, dates, grapes and other fruits
RiceRice, paddy equivalent
Other cerealsBarley, rye, oats, millet, sorghum and other cereals
PulsesBeans, peas and other pulses
Soyabean CakeSoyabean cake
Soyabean OilSoyabean oil
Sunflowerseed CakeSunflowerseed cake
Sunflowerseed OilSunflowerseed oil
Rape and MustardseedRape and mustardseed
Rape and Mustard CakeRape and mustard cake
Rape and Mustard OilRape and mustard oil
Other OilcropsGroundnuts (shelled eq), coconuts – incl copra, sesameseed, olives and other oilcrops
Cake Other OilcropsOther oilcrops cake
Oil Other OilcropsOther oilcrops oil
Oilpalm fruitOilpalm fruit
Palmkernel CakePalm kernel cake
Palm Products OilPalm oil and palmkernel oil
SugarSugar cane, sugar beet (sugar in equivalent sugar cane and beet)
Other plant productsNuts, coffee, cocoa beans, tea, pepper, pimento, cloves, spices, other
Crop residuesStover
Other productsMeat other, offals edible, fats animals raw, honey, meat meal, aquatic plants
OccasionalFood leftovers, cut-and-carry, forages and legumes, roadside grasses

Key findings

An explosion in food demand in Sub-Saharan africa, India and the Rest of Asia in 2050

Two assumptions for the evolution of diets by 2050 were considered. The “trend-based” diets continue past regional trends: stabilisation of individual caloric intakes in developed regions, increase in other regions. The “healthy” diets illustrate a radical transition towards healthier diets: caloric intake in line with daily energy needs, a more balanced and diversified diet.

The adoption of “healthy” diets would attenuate (or even cancel) the trend increase in food demand in most regions, except in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), India and the rest of Asia under the double effect of a nutritional catch-up and population growth. As a result, food demand would explode in these three regions in both assumptions.

On the other hand, due to their demographic decline, some European countries and regions as well as China would see their total food demand decrease under the assumption of “healthy” diets.

Partial consideration of the effects of climate change

Projections of yields and areas suitable for cultivation in 2050 take into account the impacts of “average” trend climate change (CC) (average variations in temperature, rainfall and atmospheric CO₂ concentration under IPCC RCP 6.0).

The impact of CC on yields depends on the ability of plants to use atmospheric CO₂, which could boost yield by 2 to 5% (provided nutrient and water needs are met). The effect of CC would, however, remain minor compared to the potential positive effect of other developments (agricultural practices, technical progress). Concerning the extent of potentially cultivable areas, the CC would have contrasting regional effects: losses in Latin America, Africa and Oceania, and gains in Ex-USSR, Canada-USA, China and the rest of Europe). Ultimately, global arable land would stagnate at around 5 billion ha by 2050.

Varying trends in cropland needs across regions

With the “trend-based” diets, the simulations show a stagnation or a 14% increase in global cultivated areas by 2050 compared to their “2010” level, depending on the yield growth projections (respectively “high” and “moderate”). These global results mask large disparities between regions.

Some regions would see their cultivated areas increase (SSA, India, the two regions of Latin America, the rest of Asia and Oceania). The most extreme case is SSA, where cultivated areas could double due to the strong growth in food demand not compensated by increase in crop yields. At the opposite, some regions would reduce the extent of their cultivated land compared to “2010”. Thus, ex-USSR reduces its cultivated area by around 1/3, mainly because of the stagnation of its population. Both situations could also prevail in Europe. Such “land surpluses” would appear in East Europe, Poland and Germany, whereas France and the rest of Europe would need to cultivate more land.


Anaïs Tibi (INRAE,DEPE), Agneta Forslund (INRAE, SMART), Philippe Debaeke (INRAE, AGIR), Bertrand Schmitt (INRAE, DEPE), Hervé Guyomard (INRAE, SDAR Bretagne-Normandie, coord.), Elodie Marajo-Petitzon (INRAE, SMART), Tamara Ben-Ari (INRAE, Agronomie), Annette Bérard INRAE, EMMAH), Antonio Bispo (INRAE, INFOSOL), Jean-Louis Durand  (INRAE, P3F), Philippe Faverdin (INRAE, PEGASE), Jacques Le Gouis (INRAE, GDEC), David Makowski (INRAE, Agronomie), Serge Planton (Association Météo et Climat). 

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Two working groups have supported the study. 

The first one comprised scientific experts from different disciplines (climate science, agronomy, livestock systems, genetics, soil science). It helped in making the litterature review on technical change and its effects on crop yields and livestock productivity change, climate change and its current and potential impacts on crop yield and livestock productivity evolution, food transition and its effects on diets, cropland availability and the potential impacts of climate warming, with a focus on Europe. This first group was composed of primary experts: Jacques Agabriel, Tamara Ben Ari, Annette Bérard, Antonio Bispo, Jean-Louis Durand, Philippe Faverdin, Jacques Le Gouis, David Makowski, Eric Sauquet (INRAE), Hélène Marrou (Montpellier SupAgro), Serge Planton (Association Météo et Climat);  and secondary experts: Ludovic Brossard, Alain Charcosset, Jean-Yves Dourmad, Yves Dronne, Michel Lessire, Serge Savary, Laeticia Willoquet-Savary (INRAE) .

The second one comprised both scientific experts and stakeholders. It helped to build the projection assumptions and the scenarios as well as to analyse results. This second group comprised: Céline Ansart (Unigrains), Bénédicte Carlotti (Pluriagri), Xavier Cassedanne (Crédit Agricole SA), Jean-Christophe Debar (Pluriagri), Franky Duchâteau (CGB), Jean-Louis Durand (INRAE), Philippe Faverdin (INRAE), Philippe Gate (Arvalis), Michel Petit (CIHEAM-IAM), Etienne Pilorgé (Terres Inovia), Dominique Rollin (Irstea), Perrine Tonin (Avril), Yves Trégaro (Ministère en charge de l’agriculture).


  • INRAE (2020). Role of European agriculture in world trade by 2050: balancing climate change and global food security issues. Summary report of the study, INRAE (France) 12 pages.
  • Tibi A., Forslund A., Debaeke P., Schmitt B., Guyomard H. (coord.), Marajo-Petitzon E., Ben-Ari T., Bérard A., Bispo A., Durand J.-L., Faverdin P., Le Gouis J., Makowski D., Planton S. (2020). Place des agricultures européennes dans le monde à l’horizon 2050 : entre enjeux climatiques et défis de la sécurité alimentaire. Rapport de synthèse de l’étude. INRAE (France), 159 p + Annexes.
  • Forslund A., Marajo-Petitzon E., Tibi A., Guyomard H., Schmitt B. (coord.), Agabriel J., Brossard L., Dourmad J.-Y., Dronne Y., Faverdin P., Lessire M., Planton S., Debaeke P. (2020). Place des agricultures européennes dans le monde à l’horizon 2050 : entre enjeux climatiques et défis de la sécurité alimentaire. Rapport technique sur les méthodologies de projection à l’horizon 2050 des variables d’entrée du modèle GlobAgri-AE2050. INRAE (France), 218 p.
  • Tibi A., Debaeke P. (coord.), Ben-Ari T., Berard A., Bispo A., Charcosset A., Durand J.-L., Le Gouis J., Makowski D., Marrou H., Planton S., Sauquet E., Savary S., Willocquet L., Guyomard H., Schmitt B. (2020). Place des agricultures européennes dans le monde à l’horizon 2050 : entre enjeux climatiques et défis de la sécurité alimentaire. Rapport du volet d’analyse bibliographique de l’étude. INRAE (France), 150 p.  

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INRAE, Pluriagri

Pluriagri is an association created by stakeholders in the arable crop industry (Avril, Confédération Générale des Planteurs de Betteraves, Unigrains and Crédit Agricole S.A., to conduct prospective studies on agricultural markets and policies.

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